Principal Financial Group
(and Cuprum AFP)
In Chile, the Principal Financial Group provides financial services like mutual funds and other assistance services for retirement savings. A FP Cuprum, a company part of the Principal Financial Group holdings, is in charge of mandatory and voluntary savings of citizens.
A little bit of context:
In chile, everyone who has a full-time job leased gives the 10% of their monthly salary to an AFP to save for retirement. It is mandatory. It sounds great, but it's not because nobody understands how an AFP works. People, when retired, don't have enough savings for living, and government "help" is not much. They feel AFPs are stealing their money from them since there is a lot of hidden information about how the system works.
What challenged me to work here?
When I returned from The States to Chile, the "No + AFP" movement against retirement models vogued.
I didn't understand retirement models either, so I double challenged myself to learn how AFPs and retirement saving work to later provide and improve the experience for people, helping the company deliver human-centered products and services.
The research
I interviewed friends & family about their understanding of retirement and saving systems and their motivation for saving money.
Since I was getting a lot of insights, I decided to survey more people to collect more data. The initial results were those below:
- People thought they had no saving capacity.
- The main motivation to save money was to travel.
- Most people didn't know about the alternatives they had to save money.
- People thought AFPs stole their money because they couldn't see the returns.
Improving the Retirement Calculator.
After Discovery and Inception workshops, the first product I participated in as a UX Designer was the Retirement Calculator. It was a core product/tool because it'd be part of the Websites and Mobiles applications.
To start, I built a benchmark with different retirement calculators from Chile and the US to study the Pros and Cons.
I Guerrilla tested with users at AFP offices the solution that already existed on the website. It helped me learn more about the customers and how they used the tool.
I used Guerrilla testing at the Principal and Cumprum offices.
I worked together with stakeholders and devs to understand the processes and the information needed to calculate pensions, and We ran a Design Sprint to prototype an App. Every part of the business participated in the Sprint. I helped in facilitation, co-conducting interviews and usability testings, and prototyping.
Creating a new pension planner
The new Retirement calculator is now part of the Principal's website, AFP Cuprum's App, and website.
E-mail journeys at Salesforce Marketing Cloud.
Because of my background in Marketing and Advertising, in late 2018 I switched to the Marketing Cloud team.
I learned how to:
- Identify and define touchpoints of communications with customers.
- Choose and create content for each touchpoint of the journey on email marketing.
- Create an email journey storytelling.
I worked on two different journeys:
- Abandoned shopping cart for voluntary saving flow
- Saving goals creation.